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Amplify Your Launch Workshop

Amplify Your Launch Workshop

Regular price $9.00 USD
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Amplify Your Launch Workshop: Transform Your Mindset and Master Launch Strategies

Unlock the secrets to a successful launch with our Amplify Your Launch Workshop.

This interactive and engaging session is designed to empower you with the mindset and tools needed to supercharge your launch. From exploring the importance of mindset to incorporating powerful techniques like Self-Hypnosis, EFT tapping, and Binaural Beats, this workshop will revolutionise your launch strategies.


✅ Understand the vital role of mindset in launching and overcome mindset challenges for greater success.

✅ Experience a guided hypnosis session focused on launching success, harnessing the power of visualisation and affirmations.

✅ Discover the transformative benefits of EFT tapping for releasing limiting beliefs and reducing launch-related stress.

✅ Learn how binaural beats can enhance brainwave frequencies and focus, optimising your launch performance.


✅ Engaging and interactive workshop divided into three parts: Building the Foundation, Tools and Techniques, and Application and Action Steps.

✅ Opportunities to share success stories and learn from fellow participants in a supportive and collaborative environment.

✅ Practical activities including mindset assessments, live demonstrations of EFT tapping, and experiential exercises with binaural beats.

✅ Worksheets to help you integrate the learned tools and techniques into your unique launch strategies.

✅ Recap and next steps to guide your continued progress and offer access to further resources and support.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is this workshop suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, the Amplify Your Launch Workshop welcomes participants of all levels, whether you're new to launching or seeking to enhance your existing strategies.

Q: Do I need any prior experience with hypnosis, EFT tapping, or binaural beats?

A: No prior experience is required. The workshop will introduce and guide you through these techniques, ensuring a valuable learning experience for all participants.

Q: What happens after the workshop?

A: Upon completion of the workshop, you'll receive guidance on staying connected, sharing progress, and accessing further resources or support options, such as an online community or follow-up sessions.

Please note: The Amplify Your Launch Workshop is a digital event, conducted online. Join us to elevate your launch game and achieve remarkable results!

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